Ahoy! Planning is underway for 2019 VBS, to be held at Our Lady of Fatima Parish! June 17th through 21st. 4 years old through 5th grade; volunteers: 6th grade and older. Registration deadline: June 7, 2019. Click for more information.
Please join us in welcoming new members to our parish family at an Ice Cream Social in our Parish Hall. The social will take place following 4:30 Mass on Saturday, May 4th. We would like to recognize everyone who has joined our parish since 2018. For further information please contact Jan Grayhek at 230-8535.
Tenebrae, (Latin for darkness or shadows, the name given to the service of Matins and Lauds) belonging to the last three days preceding Easter, is celebrated in the hours of darkness in anticipation of the day to come. Please join Fr. Lewis and fellow parishioners for this profound and moving prayerful remembrance of our Savior’s death. This is a beautiful way to prepare for the Easter Triduum.
Divine Mercy Sunday~ Inaugurating a Parochial Year of Healing. Noon until 3:00p.m. Come, let us begin a Year of Healing with a special celebration of the source of all healing: the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ. Eucharistic Adoration, Liturgy of the Word, Guest speakers for reflection talks, Rosary, Anointing of the Sick, Confession available, Concludes with Litany of Divine Mercy, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benedictoin.
There will be a Lenten Penance Service on Thursday, April 11th at 1:30p.m. in the Church. Guest priests will be available to hear individual confessions.